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Surgical & Non-surgical Penis Length Increase

We do not recommend or advocate the efficacy of penile surgery of any kind, as it may lead to serious consequences and side effects. To question in the National Center for Biotechnology Information website, the answer published in the British medical journal says that it is possible to increase the penis size of an erect […]

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Intercourse positions Flying Seagull to last long

We have designed this article according to the Ancient Chinese Fangzhongshu (sexual skills and methods) intercourse positions. These positions may be helpful when you have premature ejaculation and/or the erection is soft.  The article aims at controlling early ejaculation using nonmedical therapies of ancient Chinese skills and methods of intercourse, also called ancient Fangzhongshu. Intercourse […]

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Penile Extender may increase penis length

Can penile extender be effective in increasing the penis length? What does a study published in an Italian journal of Urology, BJUI, in their April issue says? Let take a thorough analysis. If you want to increase the length of your penis, you are not alone in the world. Male liking for Penis size has […]

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Circumcision in Male & Premature Ejaculation

PE is a multifactorial health condition in males. As we know, premature ejaculation happens when a man reaches climaxes and ejaculates before he or his partner expect him to do so during sex. Premature ejaculation is an act of ejaculation too early to have the full pleasure of sex or intercourse. Does Circumcision in Male […]

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Premature Ejaculation Exercise

In this section, we will talk about the ejaculation exercise and other techniques that may help in treating premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation has various treatment methods. While it may begin with Counseling to understand the psychological relationship and professional aspects of the ailment, the treatment may include natural Behavioral techniques along with Topical anesthetics and […]

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Therapy for Premature Ejaculation

We expect men to have some control over early discharge while having sexual intercourse, and masturbation. If a man feels he has no control over ejaculation when it occurs, Premature Ejaculation may be present. When PE prevents you from enjoying the sexual pleasure, you deserve and are born for then it is time to consult […]

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Causes of Early Ejaculation & Diagnose PE

Premature ejaculation may cause personal life issues: Early climax causes Relationship problems. Stress is a common fall out of early coming sperm. Early ejaculation during sex causes stress in relationships. Early discharge problem in man can cause fertility blockages. People may face fertility and reproductive ability issues with an early discharge of sperm in them. […]

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Cure Premature Ejaculation Permanently

The best way to avoid early ejaculation is not to let your brain perceive that you are having sex. Practice this every time you engage in sex could be. Train the Brain is the best way to cure premature ejaculation permanently with no side effects.  The best way to delay premature ejaculation is to get […]

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Ayurvedic treatment premature ejaculation

Many consider the Ayurvedic treatment for premature ejaculation to be safe as it treats using herbs that are deemed to have the least side effects. There are many Ayurvedic medicines for early discharge. If the ailment is not in its severe form, then a few allopathic doctors may suggest Ayurvedic medicine for early ejaculation. However, […]

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