what the bleep do we know debunked

", "The movie is saying that somehow we can all get together and, with our collective thought processes, we can influence the outcome" of physical events - be they life experiences or scientific experiments, notes Bruce Schumm, a particle physicist at the University of California at Santa Cruz. unless you renew or Down the Rabbit Hole - Quantum Edition multi-disc DVD set was released, containing two extended versions of What the Bleep Do We Know! But when you get hit with so much information that's been edited to within a frame of its life, things get a bit confusing. have described distinct assertions made as pseudoscience. It's more like a collision in the editing room between talking heads, an impenetrable human parable and a hallucinogenic animated cartoon. That's what makes the world so interesting. But above a tiny size range, quantum properties collapse, and particles start to behave in the way described by classical physics - more like bowling balls than fuzzy clouds of "wave functions. "What the Bleep Do We Know," as it is referred to for convenience, is not a conventional documentary about quantum physics. If you wanted to study the impact of spoken, drawn or written sentiments on the formation of crystals in freezing water, you'd have to do a slightly more rigorous study. (stylized as What t #$*! And any Cognitive Behavioural Therapist can help us to change the way we see things by changing our thought patterns. And if you really want to be friendly, ask me about "The Case forPluto.". Beliefnet is a lifestyle website providing feature editorial content around the topics of inspiration, spirituality, health, wellness, love and family, news and entertainment. (Physicists should take part of the blame for this confusion. Tags: science-and-technology, neuroscience, physics. In addition, the film mentioned clipper ships which were not even in existence at that time. In the 1970s that abruptly stopped and moved to getting us off this planet. " " " !". Q: But isn't everything really connected? The movie gives two examples of experiments which have shown the power of the mind affecting reality. you are agreeing to our, One month free trial to theMonitorDaily, Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor, Performance of quantum computer no better than ordinary PC, say analysts, 'Spooky' physics: How quantum entanglement could link wormholes, Quantum 'teleportation' distance record broken. "The theory can't predict with precision what will happen, but it knows everything that can happen and it will tell you the probability of all these things happening.". That's one of the very strange properties of quantum mechanics. This is the person who teaches the brain science in RSE. !" is a radical departure from convention. Hambling says it is likely that both the Hughes account and the story told by Pert were exaggerations of the records left by Captain Cook and the botanist Joseph Banks. Even so it notched up $10m in. It demands a freedom of view and greatness of thought so far unknown, indeed, not even dreamed of since Copernicus. But Hagelin's use of the term "achieved" for the drop in crime is a bit strong. No, that wasnt intended specifically as an attack on supersymmetric models; the fact that Hagelin worked on them isnt an argument for or against them. Evidently Albert claims he was taken advantage of, that his interview was heavily edited to misrepresent his views. Intercut with these metaphysical ponderings is a soapy fictional narrative starring Marlee Matlin as a broken-hearted photographer. what the bleep do we know watch online free, what the bleep do we know trailer, what the bleep do we know movie, what the bleep do we know debunked, what the bleep do . The year's most unexpected indie hit in American cinemas - a film about quantum physics - is about to open here. [4], Lacking the funding and resources of the typical Hollywood film, the filmmakers relied on "guerrilla marketing" first to get the film into theaters, and then to attract audiences. I remember Hagelin wanting to discuss how quantum field theory could explain how TMers were able to levitate, something about how they did this by changing the position of the pole in the propagator. And if you're a modern thinker you'll know for a fact that quantum physics is wacky stuff. The narrative follows a fictional photographer, Amanda, through her emotional and existential journey of life. It presents itself as the thinking rebel's alternative to Hollywood pabulum: a heady stew of drama and documentary, starring Oscar-winning actress Marlee Matlin as a Xanax-addled photographer who. A classic experiment on visual processing involves asking people to watch a video of 6 people passing a basketball, and press a button every time a particular team has possession. It's there. was heavily criticised for being "a documentary aimed at the totally gullible". He claims that in over 5 hours of interviews he explained to the film makers why their concept of how Quantum Physics works has virtually no support in the scientific community. What the #$*! bleep blorp!" I implore all of you to ignore Rubio's critics and acknowledge that the senator from Florida is absolutely correct. As a series of scientists and scientist types take a wayward stab at explaining quantum theory -- it seems to involve being in two places at once -- "What the Bleep," which opens nationwide today . What The Bleep Do We Know? . Debunked. - Renoise Forums Having watched this travesty of a movie, any real scientist worth his quarks might be gun-shy about joining the debate. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for What the Bleep Do We Know? The sub-atomic particles that make up the atoms that make up the rock are there too. Q: You do see that in some science-fiction shows for example, last season on "Fringe." She does play a large role in the movie and you can read all about her nonsense here. What the Bleep Do We Know draws heavily on the role of the observer in quantum physics. We must shake off the "ugly, superstitious, backwater concept of God" we learned as children, chides JZ Knight--uh, Ramtha. We're also connected to the universe by gravity, and we're connected to the planets by gravity. Is the movie What The Bleep Do We Know? factual or mumbo jumbo - Quora Filmed in Portland, Oregon, What the Bleep Do We Know!? In one experiment, people who were walking across a college campus were asked by a stranger for directions. Despite his caveats, he recommends that people see the film, stating: "I hope it develops into a cult movie in the UK as it has in the US. ft. indoor riding arena once used for horse training which was refurbished and floored . Adapted from "Ask the Everyday Scientist" with permission of the writer. He points out that Gallo et al anounced that AIDS is caused by HIV at a press conference, without there being a single paper published in a scientific journal substantiating this. You can be accurate in one or the other, but not in both. A moderately low-budget independent film, it was promoted using viral marketing methods and opened in art-house theaters in the western United States, winning several independent film awards before being picked up by a major distributor and eventually grossing over $10 million. Particles embracing all possible states until they are forced by an experiment to assume one state, one particle being in two adjacent places simultaneously, the inability to precisely measure a particle's position and momentum at the same time - these are just a few of the weird manifestations of quantum physics. What the bleep Do we know ( 1080p) (Source: iStockphoto). Moreover, the movie proposes no plausible physical mechanism by which thoughts influence matter. Dr Dispenza claims (correctly) in the movie that brain scans PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and Functional MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) show that the same part of your brain lights up whether you're looking at something or just remembering it. When you hear the term "quantum consciousness," you should be suspicious. What the Bleep Do We Know!? | Movies | The Guardian Seven Times Planet TV Studios Went Way Too Far - Rendicin de Cuentas In the late eighties I remember seeing Maharishi University preprints, perhaps about flipped SU(5). There are also controlled, double-blind prayer studies out there much more interesting than the D.C. crime study cited in the film, though not necessarily more convincing. Film / What the #$*! ", Critics offered mixed reviews as seen on the film review website Rotten Tomatoes, where it scored a "Rotten" 34% score with an average score of 4.6/10, based on 77 reviews. What the bleep do we know debunked Isn't life great? John Hagelin was obviously a good phenomenologists. The movie features other proclaimed scientists who . Amanda is a divorced woman who makes a living as a photographer. Particles are fluctuations the rules of physics say it's perfectly fine for them to exist at some time and/or place and to be non-existent at another time and/or place. It was amusing when John Hagelin tried to run for US president representing the Natural Law party during the 1990s. They were showing us the pictures of the waves converging to a point a meditation trick and this picture had a caption explaining that the unified field theory has already been found. How to spot quantum quackery - NBC News Quantum physics tells us that reality isn't fixed subatomic particles only come into existence when they are observed, 2. 2004 ( ) ( ) Offline 2013. Quantum mechanics, the theoretical framework of contemporary physics, is a probability algorithm. They're coming into the marketplace hungry for direction, but they don't want some person who claims to have all the answers. "What the Bleep" misses opportunities to focus credibly on the fascinating work people like Newberg have been doing, and makes the science-and-faith field seem like quackery. Hagelin was a grad student at Harvard when I was an undergrad and I met him when we were in the same quantum field theory class. What The Bleep Do We Know? - Home - Facebook Now I don't have an automatic prejudice against 35,000-year-old warriors from Atlantis or the women who channel them. The main weird thing about them was they were printed on pink paper instead of white. What the Bleep Do We Know? DVD (2005) Marlee Matlin, Arntz (DIR - eBay Krauss worries that a lot of people can be fooled by appeals to the admittedly weird world of quantum physics a world in which particles are said to take every possible path from point A to point B, in which the position and velocity of particles are necessarily cloaked in uncertainty, in which the mere act of observation changes the thing being observed. Amit Goswami (PhD) in What the Bleep Do We Know?. But they add that the film shows quantum mysteries selectively to shore up metaphysical points. The web makes all such things available today, so I can give you a Google link to a page about Maharishis unified field theory, http://www.worldpeaceendowment.org/invincibility/invincibility6.html. Where were we now? The only problem with Andrew Newberg's statement is that it suggests our subconscious brains are doing really interesting stuff and we're somehow missing out; if only we could harness that other zillion gigabits or so we'd be masters of our destinies. On August 1, 2006 What the Bleep! The fact that someone who spouts such utter nonsense can get a Ph.D. from Harvard and be one of the most widely cited authors on supersymmetric models is pretty remarkable. It comes from the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and it's about the limitations of trying to measure the position and momentum of subatomic particles. Unfortunately, it also completely misunderstands it. "They take advantage of things we don't know very well or can't test very well, then use it in an unfair way," notes Andr de Gouva, a particle physicist at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. From my perspective, once you had identtified Smolins position( I gave this in previous post[Posted by sol at September 25, 2004 04:18 PM] ), then you would know he holds Einsteins, in relation to the Solvay meetings, and strings have modified what Bohr and Schrodinger were doing in developing QM. asks nothing but . 16 Quotes From the Movies ideas - Pinterest The quantum world is intriguing, but unless you're a particle physicist it's got very little to do with the world's reality. In a corrupt, greed-fueled world, a powerful alchemist leads a Christ-like character and seven materialistic figures to the Holy Mountain,. Matt, what is so nutty about Serge Langs ideas about HIV and AIDS? Details in the video itself.EXTENDED REFERENCES:Revelation:[a] Michael Freze, 1993, Voices, Visions, and Apparitions, OSV Publishing ISBN 087973454X page 252[b] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/faith[c] http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=confidence[d] http://www.thefreedictionary.com/faith[e] http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/faith[f] Dictionary.com. Q: Why do you think that people have seized upon this? - - Interviews with scientists and authors, animated bits, and a storyline involving a deaf photographer are used in this docudrama to illustrate the link between quantum mechanics, neurobiology, human consciousness and day-to-day reality. We're always being told we don't use our brain to its full capacity. DO WE KNOW? Bleep raises thought-provoking questions about science and its relationship to spirituality and metaphysics. 6. John Hagelin, PhD, describes a study he did in Washington in 1992. So does classical physics. One of the scientists interviewed is John Hagelin who, besides being part of the TM cult surrounding Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, presidential candidate of the Natural Law Party, and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace is a rather prominent particle theorist. 4. Scientists in the physical realm also hypothesize that matter is solid (Wilson 5). The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle argues that its impossible to track the momentum and position of a subatomic particle. Even though there's lots of proof that the Moon landing happened, some people don't . Ive not seen the movie, and dont intend to, but David Alberts book on Quantum Mechanics and Experience is one of the best things Ive read on the interpretation of QM. "Quantum physics calculates only possibilities Who/what chooses among these possibilities to bring the actual event of experience? "The protagonist, Amanda, played by Academy Award-Winning actress Marlee Matlin, finds herself in a fantastic Alice in Wonderland experience when her daily, uninspired life literally begins to unravel, revealing the uncertain world of the quantum field hidden behind what we consider to be our normal, waking reality. 3. Awash in New Age theorizing, real world science and the intellectually unfathomable notion of quantum mechanics, What the 'Bleep' Do We Know!? contact customer service We might be able to create quantum computers, for example, that will simultaneously do many different calculations at once, because the quantum world is capable of doing many things at the same time. suggest that science allows you to capitalize on quantum possibilities, but theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss says it's just a load of bleep. The figures are a bit rubbery, but the idea that we're only 'aware' of a fraction of our brain's activity is both correct and a huge relief. [13] The American Chemical Society's review criticizes the film as a "pseudoscientific docudrama", saying "Among the more outlandish assertions are that people can travel backward in time, and that matter is actually thought. Featuring interviews with scientists and theologians, this compelling film thrusts the viewer into a world where science and spirituality intersect. But is reality really in the eye of the quantum observer? If quantum physics baffled the late Dr. Feynman, one of its most brilliant explorers, then no one should feel embarrassed for failing to understand the subject. His list of "worst abusers" includes inspirational author Deepak Chopra, the best-selling book "The Secret" and the whole field of Transcendental Meditation. "[15], Bernie Hobbs, a science writer with ABC Science Online, explains why the film is incorrect about quantum physics and reality: "The observer effect of quantum physics isn't about people or reality. What the Bleep Do We Know!? - WatchDocumentaries.com Puppymonkeybaby proves Rubio talking point Obama is destroying The quantum world does pervade everything around us, but as Richard Feynman liked to say, "Scientific creativity is imagination in a straitjacket." We don't know which way it's going to go. (commonly referred to by its spoken title What the Bleep Do We Know) is a 2004 pseudoscientific film that supports the idea that consciousness and quantum mechanics are somehow related. We are connected to the world by many things: by light and sound and heat. The director, William Arntz, has described What the Bleep as a film for the "metaphysical left". Those points suggest that quantum-derived "possibilities" affect the wider world, that human thought is the ultimate arbiter of physical reality, and that by manipulating thought properly, people can achieve harmony and even shape the structure of matter. If your mind is the "observer" that quantum physics talks about, you should be able to choose which of the many possible realities around you comes into existence you can create your own reality, and probably come off anti-anxiety medication to boot. 5.Miceal Ledwith a clergyman with a rather dubious past (see http://unison.ie/irish_independent/stories.php3?ca=36&si=770458&issue_id=7565) is the one chosen by the film makers to be the theological spokesman. Many religions and spiritual paths--from Hinduism, with its concept of maya, to Christian Science--teach that appearance is illusion. It is my task to convince you not to turn away because you don't understand it. Review of the What the Bleep Do We Know? - Christian Research Institute 34 talking about this. [16], David Albert, a philosopher of physics who appears in the film, has accused the filmmakers of selectively editing his interview to make it appear that he endorses the film's thesis that quantum mechanics is linked with consciousness. What the Bleep Do We Know!? (2004) - 3663 Words | Movie - Free Essays Somehow the main character of the movie was learning these amazing facts about quantum physics, and this then helps her deal with her anxiety attacks, bad body image and sex addiction (the film really goes off the rails in a bizarre scene where she is the photographer at a wedding party that turns into a grotesque kind of orgy). To date, there has been no response as to where the information which lead to the story about the indians not being able to see the ships of Columbus originated from. It was the biggest bunch of garbage that I had ever seen. "What The Bleep Do We Know? Check my single page unpublishable http://dftuz.unizar.es/~rivero/research/simple.pdf. You dont have a Christian Science Monitor ?, with over 15 hours of material on three double-sided DVDs. Dr Joe Dispenza and Miceal Ledwith are both long time students and appointed teachers at Ramthas school of enlightenment (RSE). Everything from the possibility of disappearing and reappearing, to the possibility of having strange new forms of communication. is a 2004 American pseudo-scientific film that posits a spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness. Z. Knight and her pet dead guy Ramtha. Quantum mechanics is a replacement for the phrase "anything goes." What The Bleep Do We Know It went on to say that "Most laypeople cannot tell where the quantum physics ends and the quantum nonsense begins, and many are susceptible to being misguided," and that "a physics student may be unable to convincingly confront unjustified extrapolations of quantum mechanics," a shortcoming which the authors attribute to the current teaching of quantum mechanics, in which "we tacitly deny the mysteries physics has encountered". Doesn't the quantum world pervade everything that we see around us? Within several weeks, the film had appeared in a dozen or more theaters (mostly in the western United States), and within six months it had made its way into 200 theaters across the US. He even called in to a radio program the director was on to discuss this and was cut off. As the sample size grows, so does the scientist's confidence in the statistical inferences drawn from the large sample. A disproportionate amount of time was given in voice and film to Ramtha, Dr. Joe dispenza, and Miceal Ledwith. So when you hear about quantum mechanics and devices, you can say, "OK, that sounds reasonable." What The Bleep Do We Know DEBUNKED., page 2 "What the Bleep do we Know?! is garbage | Naked Science Forum to someone you know: The host of the show said this was done because it was negative We may be able to use quantum communication in ways that we haven't done before. You may or may not believe that there's an external reality beyond what your brain creates; the topic will be a perennial and fertile source of discussion. But to insist, as one on-screen interviewee does, that the material world around us is just one "possible movement of consciousness" undermines the possibility of any objective, external reality--something fundamental to many religions and to science. The reason you should be suspicious is because we don't even understand classical consciousness. People latch onto their dreams, and they always try to match them to reality. Human everyday life consists of many routines and necessary things that are mostly physical such as work, school, a number of chores or minor responsibilities, and hopefully sleep. And there's the matter of scale the brain lights up in scans much more brightly when you're seeing something than when you're reminiscing. [5] Foreign gross added another $5 million for a worldwide gross of nearly $16 million. There were many more, but I will leave them for others. Philosophy Meaning of Arntz' Movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" - 850 3) Lots of people still hunger for a magical universe, and now hope that science can deliver it, after Nietsche's announcement of God's death. If we don't understand classical consciousness, how can we understand quantum consciousness? the film What The Bleep Do We Know It was an information that really left me speechless and I ordered his books at once techhose.d-webhost.orphans.co.uk 2 / 11. My FIL is a ex-Air force Pilot. The question "What the bleep do we know?" has an unambiguous answer: both surprisingly much and amazingly little. A movie and a book said that water molecules are. It demands a freedom of view and greatness of thought so far unknown, indeed, not even dreamed of since Copernicus. With Alejandro Jodorowsky, Horacio Salinas, Zamira Saunders, Juan Ferrara. While many of its interviewees and subjects are professional scientists in the fields of physics, chemistry, and biology, one of them has noted that the film quotes him out of context. The idea that our own perceptions can't be trusted is not new, of course. 1. Pingback: Not Even Wrong Blog Archive Down the Rabbit Hole. The film has a web-site, and there is a long article in Salon explaining that the whole thing is really the production of a cult based in the Pacific Northwest that believes that a woman named JZ Knight is able to channel a 35,000 year old mystic named Ramtha. One should take seriously the danger that hes not the only one deluding himself. Also, the movie suggests that the quantum idea of matter embracing all its possible states at once applies to the larger world of people and rocks. What the #$*! Do We Know!? (Film) - TV Tropes Hambling says it is likely that both the Hughes account and the story told by Pert were exaggerations of the records left by Captain Cook and the botanist Joseph Banks. Thus, if a scientist repeats an experiment with subatomic particles often enough, the results will closely match the probabilities quantum theory predicts. Regular indicators of violent crime told a different story the number of murders actually went up. mixed truisms with conjecture, interviews and dramatic "recreations" of the ideas being discussed, to form a kind of cohesive supposition on the link between mind and matter, biology and the Big Bang. What the Bleep Do We Know!? You see my physics students don't understand it. That is because I don't understand it. Prominent if you go by citations that is. "What the Bleep Do We Know?" is a trendy new movie that combines the worst elements of a snooze-worthy PBS documentary, a "change your mind, change your life" self-help book, and a Bugs.