Special thanks go to my editorCaz Merrettwho corrected the very first version of this story, as well as to my editorHana Lryov(Channach) who offersconstructive criticism and plot-betaesthe story. This is a fanfiction story inspired by "Think of England" by PepperF. On a planet where the Goa'uld rarely pester the locals, suddenly an attack hits and SG-1 is present to evacuate the villagers. And why not create this typical first dating insecurity: Does she like me as much as I like her? It can be read as a sequel to her story or it can be read as a standalone. Her cheeks were burning with embarrassment. Even though shes still suspicious of Jack, shes loosening up around him and trying to see him as a friend. There he meets Samantha Carter who is a visiting professor at the college. So for a moment hes willing to have one of those quick, meaningless interludes with her. When Evan Lorne comes to Castle Sheppard to teach the young son of Lord John Sheppard, Baron Livingstone, he realizes quickly that the distant young lord is way more interesting than he should be, and that teaching his son Alec and winning the boy's trust will change his own life forever Alors que la cit dAtlantis a regagn la galaxie de Pgase, le major Evan Lorne et le Dr milie Dumont ont dcid de rester sur Terre, o ils esprent mener une vie un peu plus paisible. That and because of Daddy Immaru. Just a natural physical reaction. Stargate SG1:Archives | FanFiction Hi Erika, Im so glad you like the story that much. It only takes a minute to sign up. Chapter 32 (Unabridged!) SUBSCRIBE NOW and receive story updates via email! To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. "Bring in a new guard? Now problems are cropping up as a soldier who was thought to be long dead from when the gate program first began turns up alive and reveals that *not every* Goa'uld System Lord was dead, or evil. Hathor is a rapist, no other way to see it. ncdu: What's going on with this second size column? ; Oh Crap Indeed by SaidbhinLuch - Typical SG-1 antics. Favorite: Joined 05-31-04, id: 599721, . Suspected of being a brainwashed by the Goauld, Jack and Sam both have to admit that they care about one another a lot more than theyre supposed to. Sorry Her voice sounded desperate, and her eyes filled with tears. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. She has written Stargate Aschen and The Slave's Secret. This is kind of an expansion of Hathor's storyline within the show that adds a bit more spice to her backstory. :D Im so glad you liked it so much though. Emboldened by your last mailbag, I have one question to askand after all these years, I promise it will be my last S/J question everhad we gotten the 3rd SG-1 movie, would the status of Sam and Jacks post-Threads relationship have been made clear?. It would have been wrong to claim that she completely despised the act or despised him for it. That being said, all of the cast and crew interview are operating on the principle that they did end up having a sexual relationship. Please leave Stargate alone!! Possible (mildly) dubious consent. Kimberley Jackson is a 37-year-old author of fiction (erotic romance, romance, and science-fiction). Links will be provided to each chapter, since this is a story that has about 500 pages in word, and it would be too much to put this only on one single page. Posted by Kimberley Jackson | May 8, 2015 | Featured, Novels, Stargate SG-1 | 24 |, Stargate Aschen Title Image (Kimberley Jackson). He still wasnt moving again and it was then that she knew that the reason for her moan dawned on him. Why not? :D Dont worry, still here I had a few busy days, and Im still working on the Aschen ebook, but the next update should be on later today. Ill volunteer to do the Jack/Daniel one! Wright's plans for his proposed newStargateserieswould see him not only bring back fan favorites like Sam specifically in her new role as general but also her science-minded colleague Daniel Jackson (Altered Carbon's Michael Shanks). in the category Hurt/Comfort/Whump. Accidents Will Happen by ALC Punk (M rated; link to author's profile) - Sam Carter and Jack O'Neill accidentally get married. attempt to suggest as much in season 4s Trio unfortunately ended up Sign up by providing an email address, and I'll keep you posted of all future story or chapter updates. How far that got taken in my script may not be what actually happens in any eventual show. But to me they were always one of the creepiest enemies, because theyre so advanced technologically, and their attack strategy is very covert. Chapter 11 The Last Ancient by Kody Wright 2 reviews. Threads and, in my mind, they have been together ever since. They wouldn't be allowed to be in the same unit so that we could never actually go there. rev2023.3.3.43278. / Courtesy: Everett Collection. Sure. So when she finally gives in to Jack, she knows its more than just lust and need. Women even could feel something akin to physical pleasure if they were raped so certainly the female body was capable of reacting to stimulation in less objectionable circumstances. The Tok'ra couldn't stop Hathor, and Jack became a Goa'uld. Download SYFY's free app to watch full episodes and tons of extras. knowing the show really added something to this story. If you have downloaded the ebook, here is the link to the ebook-exclusive downloadable content. Inhalt ist versteckt. Currently open requests: < 60 Jack returns from the mission, is divorced from Sara, but because of 9/11 is not permitted to retire, and instead is sent to fill a vacancy midterm in the Air Force ROTC program at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs. They learn Ancient. His consent was ambiguous, and she didnt know whether it was wishful thinking to believe that he was telling her that momentary pleasure was acceptable. I think shes managed to keep true to all of the characters personalities, both from SG-1 and Atlantis. In the Stargate TV Series, what military awards does Jack O'Neill hold? Jack finally realizes that he has indeed fallen in love with his wife.. Now if only he knew how she felt about him, Well, we still have at least 10 chapters ahead of us in this story. Then his thumb brushed over her cheek ever so tenderly. So he tried to keep his distance. On the eve of the signing of an historic alliance between Earth and the Tokra, one or both groups may have been infiltrated by a zatarc a Goauld-programmed assassin who doesnt even know he (or she) is working for the enemy. Stargate Aschen (A Sam/Jack romance based on Stargate SG-1) - COMPLETE. It created a great tension through a lot of the series. Looking for something out of this world? Stargate SG-1: Double Dealing (Replicarter/Jack), COSMOS A Spacetime Odyssey (starring Neil deGrasse Tyson), Stargate SG-1: Beneath Perceived Realities (Episode - Missing Scene). Required fields are marked *. Please check out the authors website for more of her works. I like long stories like this. What about There But For the Grace of God? It was often hinted that they both had romantic feelings for each other, but was it ever confirmed if they actually got together? vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/stargate/images/c/c5/, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Latest Blog Post: Jacks Bad Movies Black Adam (2022). Rating: Mature. The Tok'ra couldn't stop Hathor, and Jack became a Goa'uld. Stargate: SG-1 . As Sam feels drawn to Jack's darker side, she not only learns more and more about BDSM, but also discovers her own deepest desires. Get first access to never-before-seen videos, exclusive interviews, and much more! Nursing school is no joke! Jack responds by staring at Carter and smiling, I doubt it was just for that kiss they showed us. The Stranger I know By: Mini Goat. :). You dont need an ebook reader to download the ebook files. The only thing revealing that the little moan of pleasure had not just been uttered in her mind was the fact that he suddenly stopped moving. Chapter 46 How many times have you seen the prompt on one of the social media pages "How screwed are you if you wake up in the world of the last series you have watched? This will be a collection of stories--some long, some short, some drabbles--inspired by prompts found on spaces on a Jack/Sam Trope Bingo board on Twitter. They play golf through an open Stargate. It could have been worse but it could have also been a lot better. Filling the Spaces Chapter 14: Free Space--Part One, a stargate: sg-1 The Aschen have turned humans into slaves, and seized control over the entire planet, including the Stargatea device that allows them to form a wormhole and travel thousands of light years across the galaxy to their home planet within seconds. Question: whos gonna write the John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir version? Whether it be with the entire team, one other . It wasnt too much & overbearing, just a touch here and there so that it didnt make the show into a soap opera. Read and find out. But what he found in the depths of Glastonbury Tor will change not only his own life, but the future of all. :P But they are together at least. They definitely hooked up in one of the loops far past kissing. Nowadays everything is plagiarized, right? But now, Sam's a general, O'Neill's a retired general. "My goal was to create something that was new that also honored the existing universe, that lived in the canon ofSG-1,Atlantis, andUniverse, and therefore included some of those characters." How long were O'Neill and Teal'c stuck in the time loop in "Window of Opportunity"? They had fallen into that routine where she helped him get it over with as quickly as possible, which usually led to him finishing the instant that her body began to respond to the stimulation, leaving her behind mildly turned on and somewhat frustrated. Chapter 24 Jack O'Neill: Family And Relationships - StargateWiki (Some might argue that Moments Like This isnt exactly a happy ending. Here's a 9-episode viewer's guide for fans who always wanted Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter to get together. Hopefully the beginning for a series. . As an avid Stargate fan I liked the way you included events of the show to the story. Cue the hugs and tears. But it was a challenge. I really have to revise that one of these days. When Mac and Dean are kidnapped off a planet, how far will their friends go to get them back? Not sure if that makes any sense at all, but thats the premise according to which I wrote the arc. have really been possible late in the series after Jacks retirement. Thus, with shared experiences and desire for truth, Jack, Daniel, and Mulder join forces with science majors, Sam and Dana, and Teal'c who's not quite from around. If you've got anything to suggest for the list, please post it here and I'll add it to this master list for ease of navigation. Chapter 3 I have two other projects Im working on at the moment, and after that Ill probably start working on the sequel for Aschen. And yes, it was really important to me to not show her become super-hysteric. it wasnt my call. ^_^, Im so glad you like it. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Daniel is initially skeptical when resident university conspiracist, Fox Mulder, suggests the book is evidence of a century-old international cover-up for alien experimentation, but the deeper they dig, the truer his claims seem to be. While the SGC looks for them, several new developments in their lives make it harder to decide whether to continue searching for a way back home or to stay. Teal'c vanishes. But A rewriting of the first season of Stargate: SG-1 from the perspectives of both marginalized and prominent women in the episodes.