(Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619 Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548), 13. In the days to come, I recommend that everyone work hard to take advantage of the "exits" that still exist in the standing law, working backwards to (1) claim and record your Common Law copyright to your name however it is styled, ordered, formed, or expressed, and then (2) issuing an Act of Expatriation and recording that as a Deed with the State Secretary of State. It is evidence of attempting to contract with and establish "unconscionable contract" with an infant. Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate What It Means Such a system only has to be consistent within the framework of its own declared assumptions to be "correct", so, correctness--- as we say in physics--- is in the "givens". I keep getting questions from people who have sent back their endorsed Birth Certificates to the Secretary of the Treasury and their Form 56 and instructions, etc., and they are asking me---- now what? March 2020 October 2018 They've been diddling around with this for 150 years. Through this ancient legal construct we can be easily controlled and duped. Lawful Person Vs. Legal Person They have "taken title" to over 300 million American babies. Oh, my, Matilda, the horses can talk and the sheep can dance! ALL CAPTIAL LETTERS Straw Man British Territorial United States Citizen Property Taxes We know where they live. Give Notice to the State Secretary of State and U.S. Secretary of State. Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT Where is the only power point against all this? The Birth Certificate will have your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. All payment necessary for your continued functioning and for the reduction of your national debts is provided for via Mutual Offset Credit Exchange against credit already owed to the American States and People. But did you or your Mother ever knowingly and willingly give them the right to use your name, steal your identity, use you as chattel backing their debts, or any of this other nonsense? Meet Your Strawman | The Twin You Never Knew You Had | The Redemption These are private documents, so only his office needs to see them. With Promissory Notes. Baby Deed You will bein control your own livesagain. And this is how they gain "plenary" control to abuse you while you are in the service. While the private secret trusts of the private central banks cannot be directly addressed, they are still formed on certain presumptions of law including claimedownershipof the name, thebody, themindand soul of infants, men and women. Basics Of Birth Certificates straw man | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute Nor did anybody tell them what a 'Legal Fiction' or 'Strawman' is or how it can be used AGAINST their baby. This trust is equal to a "cut" as it were, of the wealth of the lands that they have raped us of . Now you know that that weird procession involved a "Sealing Ceremony" in which they hoped to consecrate their spellbinding --- also known as fraud -- against the American States and People and most of the rest of the world, too. What's more important than what we have just described for you? This has been going on since 1702 and has been outlawed worldwide since the Napoleonic Wars, but what the hey? We are not amused and continue our demand that all such criminal activities cease, that all false liens be released, and that no such trespasses against us continue. Claim your strawman Watch on This is a Private Members Association wpma-26022022-pma expressed into a private trust Title number pa-0014-wilstaff-26022022-pt All information on this website is intended for Private Members As a man: or woman: i, have been lied to ALL my life. They are supposed to operate under the limitations and in accordance with their employment contracts called the Constitutions. So Much Confusion Resolved - Birth Certificates aka CUSIP Bonds, The Birth Certificate Discussion - Part 1, The Birth Certificate Discussion - Part 2, Long Form Birth Certificate Question - Who are you, America is a corporation and the state owns your children, Top 12 Steps to Reclaim Your Estate Birthright, Public Notice to Law Enforcement, Sheriffs, The Diabolical Nature of What Has Been Done, Let's Get This Straight, Once and For All.Birth Certificate Fraud. By using Federal Reserve Notes a debt is not paid, it is simply transferred to someone else not paid. See our official acceptance of President Trumps Inaugural Offer. You present the BC and the two Witness Testimonies to the District Attorney. Once you are "presumed" to be a British Territorial United States Citizen and presumed to be acting as a Legal Person, you lose all your Constitutional protections. But, you can learn all about your strawman. It has come to our attention that unknown Agents are attempting to register land assets belonging to The United States of America. In 1931, theRoman Cult, also known as the Vatican created theBankfor International Settlements for the control of claimedpropertyof associated private central banks around the world. Unfortunately, most Americans have been playing Chess while their employees have been playing Parcheesi --- which requires you to learn the new game, which then ultimately allows you to either (1) win the game, and/or (2) flip the table and play whatever game you want to play. You are not under contract to the Civil [Municipal] Government. In about 1837 the Births, Deaths and Marriages act was formed in UK and the post of registrar general was established. It is a game with actors (acting on acts). The basic paperwork we use reclaims your Trade Name and permanently domiciles it on the land and soil of your birth state. ), I wish to apply my exemption and also wish for the exoneration of my pre-paid VESSELS and the elimination of this court contract. The municipal government only gets access to your name and is allowed to mess with you as a result of this "mistake" initially made by the British Territorial Government, so the hammer ultimately descends on the British Territorial United States Government for setting you up and offering the Municipal Government access to your name under the false presumption that you are or ever were a British Territorial United States Citizen--- we are talking here about the "plenary" Municipal United States Government run by Congress and allowed under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 being able to buy your Proper Name as chattel from the Brits. So, now, at the end of all this--- you are back on solid ground and the sharks have to remain in the sea. Reverse their unspoken claim that your land belongs to their franchise operating as a State of State and belongs to a "resident" and is either "residential, industrial, or agricultural" land. These refer to the actual event of your birth, and then, some days or weeks later, the "filing" of the paperwork to either (1) pronounce "you" dead and create your ESTATE; or (2) to create "your" PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITY. Woodrow Wilson President 1913 - 1921. page 816), had a Treasury since 1921 (41 Stat. Every thing in the United States is up for sale: bridges, roads, water, schools, hospitals, prisons, airports, etc, etc Did anybody take time to check who bought Klamath Lake?? April 2019 Citizenship Chart We all recognize the criminality of trespassing on someone else's assets. actiones (ak-shee-oh-neez).actio ad exhibendum (ak-shee-oh ad ek-si-ben-d[schwa]m).Roman law. It all sounds bizzare, doesn't it? And wouldn't that be a nice change of direction? Proof Of Non-Consent BUT SHOULD, stopthepirates.blogspot.com/2012/07/these-documents-are-not-secret-they-are.html, THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE MAKES A PERSON PROPERTY OF THE CORPORATION SINCEThe Act of 1871, http://www.expose1933.com/44-act-of-1871-is-treason.html, How to lawfully how to sign & remove your signature from any contract, Microsoft Word - FINAL JUDGMENT AND CIVIL ORDERS with Finalized Addendums.doc, HOW TO SIGN YOUR SIGNATURE WITHOUT LIABILITY, http://kentfreedommovement.com/profiles/blog/show?id=5237500%3ABlogPost%3A51957, Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate What It Means, Anatomy Of A Birth Certificate - What It Means, Birth Certificate Registration Vs. Recording, British Territorial United States Citizen, Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT, How To Lawfully How To Sign & Remove Your Signature From Any Contract. This results in the existence of "JOHN MARK DOE" --- an "infant decedent ESTATE" and "JOHN M. DOE" --- a public transmitting utility, and "JOHN DOE" --- a pauper having interest in the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) --- and you don't know a thing about any of this. Passport Fraud PDF Incredible Legal Remedy to Get Any Case Dismissed in Court Your Lawful Person is an actual civilian and your State (not any "State of State") is the actual civilian government doing business as a member of The United States of America, Unincorporated---- that these jackdaws are supposed to protect against "all enemies foreign and domestic". So these people are our employees, indirectly, but they are being told what to do by foreign governments controlled by foreign Principals: the Holy See, the British Monarch, and the Lord Mayor of London. Once you have yourself free and clear and beyond the reach of the vermin and their false claims against you, you can easily deal with the issue of Property Taxes and Income Taxes being imposed by foreign governments via false presumption and deceit. We also hold the British Government and the British Crown responsible for their part colluding in this outrageous Breach of Trust and international fraud scheme. I have taken on the task of trying to consolidate everything to date for you. Weare the Priority Creditors and Number One victims of these criminals, and we have proof in the public record going back before The American Revolutiondemonstrating that "the" United States and "the" United States of America responsible for all this rottennessare corporate. HOW TO RECLAIM YOUR STRAWMAN ,, First you need to download a blank UCC financial statement. December 2018 Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. This ongoing attempted unlawful conversion of land assets belonging to us via registration processes and false claims that these land assets are chattel acquired from the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC., must cease and desist, and the local offices in all the State of State franchises must be re-directed and re-educated to record, not register, land assets belonging to The United States of America, our member States and our People. Those are "look alike, sound alike" fakes promoted as a means to confuse and co-opt genuine efforts to put an end to this. You CANNOT use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are NOT a party to it! Time to remind them all of all of the above. But, they will make you believe that it is mandatory. It's all or none. Copyright Your StrawMan Pl. Returning the BC to the Secretary of the Treasury "surrenders" the "criminal" PERSON back whence "he" came and cashiers the MUNICIPAL "citizen"---- now you still have to deal with the Territorial Citizen---- the presumed Foreign Situs Trust operating under your Upper and Lower Case name. The idea of using PARSE SYNTAX grammar for the same purpose was a no-brainer for these rats and they have eagerly accepted it. This establishes the fact that you re the certificated owner/operator of the VESSELS. These documents are NOT secret! These offenses against God and Man require swift and determined action, but this fraud has been going on a long time and many people think that their personal profit is tied up in preserving this system; many more continue to mistake it as something "American" when its not. The People does NOT include you and me. It carries all sorts of emblems from a "State of State" organization, depending on where and when you were born. Then smile, leave a card with your contact information, and leave it all in the lap of the DA, who is supposed to be protecting you from racketeering. The United States, , not a land mass and it existed before the Revolutionary War and the British Troops did not leave until 1796 (Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVsMUpPgdT0, 20. Throw it out. Let it stand for the record that the Hospitaliers, also known as the Knights of Malta, are the agents and principals responsible for the largest part of the implementation of these fraudulent records and the resulting false claims in commerce against our living estates.