1 Most of the accused were women but men were accusedand executedtoo. One person was even executed for refusing to testify at the hearings. Mysteriously, in 1692, the reverend's 9-year-old daughter, Elizabeth (aka Betty), and 11-year-old niece, Abigail, began having fits. witchtrials Episodes Fireside Phantoms Podcast Although Massachusetts has given up its fight against witchcraft, there are still places in the world where witchcraft is legitimately feared by the public, sometimes even leading to real modern day witch hunts. They began in 1692, a full 73 years before the start of the American Revolution and some 40 years before George Washington was even born. In 1692, when the Salem witch trials began, the United States Constitution did not yet exist. Family History Proves Bewitching to Descendants of Salem Witches : Colonial America: Three Presidents, Clara Barton, Walt Disney, Joan Kennedy and One Unborn Child Are among Those Whose Ancestors Were Accused of Consorting with the Devil 300 Years Ago. Los Angeles Times. From petty paybacks to insane acts of karma, these bitter people somehow found the most ingenious ways. Tituba was not the only one who thought animals were capable of engaging in the devils work. Our editors are instructed to fact check thoroughly, including finding at least three references for each fact. During the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, more than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft. Credits: Danvers Lunatic Asylum: CHRONICLES- Danvers State Hospital | Danvers Although most of the accused witches were women, some men were also accused. Descendants of the Salem community have made constant efforts to clear the names of those ancestors and relatives who were falsely accused and convicted back in the 1690s, with some being officially recognized as innocent by the Massachusetts government as recently as the beginning of the 21st-century. One of the most notorious periods of American history, the Salem witch trials of 1692 resulted in the execution by hanging of fourteen women and five men who were accused of being witches during a period of mass hysteria. What Were The Results Of The Salem Witch Trials Of 1692 The story goes that Corey and her husband, Giles, sat in on the trials early on, causing Martha to express scepticism about the legitimacy of the proceedings. Apparently they felt that giving gifts took away from ones ability to focus on serious religious thought, and they did not like the pagan origins of some aspects of the holiday. 42 Wicked Facts About the Salem Witch Trials - factinate.com Despite their obvious Christian commitment, the early American Puritans actually banned Christmas in the Massachusetts Bay colony in 1659, deeming it a sacrilege. Witch trials had actually been a fairly common phenomenon in Europe during that period. From 1671 to 1687, he served on the Counsel of Assistants, a judicial and rule-making body for the colony. This resulted in him being accused as well, and in the end it was he who was executed while Elizabeth was instead sentenced to prison so that her unborn baby would not have to die. Your suggestions can be as general or specific as you like, from Life to Compact Cars and Trucks to A Subspecies of Capybara Called Hydrochoerus Isthmius. Well get our writers on it because we want to create articles on the topics youre interested in. The collective delusion of witchcraft took more than a year to loosen its grip on Salem and its surrounding towns. Initially, Tituba also claimed to be blameless, but after being repeatedly badgered (and undoubtedly fearful owing to her vulnerable status as a slave), she told the magistrates what they apparently wanted to hearthat she had been visited by the devil and made a deal with him. They thought that when witches baked cakes, that they were casting a spell in it. Move over Montagues and Capulets: You might not be the most vengeful families out there. Here's what we know about the original witch hunt: 1. Years later, I was using her phone when I made an utterly chilling discovery. George Burroughs had been named the village minister in 1680, but many disapproved of his religious views, and he often wasnt paid his salary. So if you are a witch, no need to worry about this ever happening again! No, it doesnt sound that romantic or comic to me either. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Animals in the Salem Witch Trials. History of Massachusetts Blog, February 20, 2012. https://historyofmassachusetts.org/animals-in-the-salem-witch-trials/. A crucible is a kind of container used for heating substances at very high temperatures, and the term is often used to describe high pressure situationssuch as the onethe witch trials creates for the accused. In response, John found himself accused as well. One was pressed to death by heavy stones. The Salem witch trials occurred in colonial Massachusetts between early 1692 and mid-1693. Let those stories inspire you to start your family history research today. Witch Trials in the 21st Century - National Geographic Society The effects of the Salem Village witch trials were devastating: 141 people imprisoned, 19 people executed, and two more died from other causes directly related to the investigations.1 The Salem witch trials would account for a quarter of all people executed for the crime of witchcraft in the history of New England,2 and would furthermore prove Statistical Analysis of the Accused. Salem Witch Trials . The Salem Witch Trials: Real Facts That Will Haunt You This caused her to be accused of conspiring on behalf of the witches, and eventually of being a witch herself. In addition to the twenty people convicted and executed for witchcraft, two dogs were also accused of and executed for the same crime. Other girls and young women began experiencing fits, among them Ann Putnam, Jr.; her mother; her cousin, Mary Walcott; and the Putnamss servant, Mercy Lewis. Probably stimulated by voodoo tales told to them by Tituba, Parriss daughter Betty (age 9), his niece Abigail Williams (age 11), and their friend Ann Putnam, Jr. (about age 12), began indulging in fortune-telling. Although Giles was a wealthy farmer and Martha was a prominent church member, both of them had pasts they werent exactly advertising to the public. What Caused the Salem Witch Trials Hysteria? Essay | Bartleby When we do, we depend on our loyal, helpful readers to point out how we can do better. Parris, whose largely theological studies at Harvard College (now Harvard University) had been interrupted before he could graduate, was in the process of changing careers from business to the ministry. Factinate is a fact website that is dedicated to finding and sharing fun facts about science, history, animals, films, people, and much more. One man was pressed to death under heavy stones, the only such state-sanctioned execution of its kind. So if witchcraft wasnt really happening in Salem, what actually caused those girls to have the fits? Los Angeles Times, August 29, 1993. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1993-08-29-mn-29128-story.html. As she did when she was accused of bewitching her second husband, Bishop once again claimed innocence during her trial. Of them, thirty were found guilty, and nineteen of whom were executed. Because he refused to comply with the court, he was given the sentence of being pressed to death. According to the warrant for her apprehension, she was called for trial on March 23, 1692, under suspicion of witchcraft after being accused by Edward Putnam. On a Saturday night in mid-October, Dmitry and his friend Misha met up to experience The Haunted Witch Trials, a Halloween attraction in which the Salem Witch Trials were re-imagined into a haunted house type of attraction that took place on a 100-acre plot of land. The Salem witch trials of the late 17th century were a formative episode in America's early history, and have remained at the forefront of the national consciousness ever since. Almost 150 people were accused of being witches and 20 were killed. The stars of the Salem story were the Puritan community of the Massachusetts Bay colony, a religious groupthat came over to America to escape religious persecution back in England. Tituba initially denied the claim that she was a witch, but notoriously later decided to confess that it was true and accused two other women as well in the process. Accessed May 6, 2021. https://famous-trials.com/salem/2035-sal-bphi. (There is uncertainty regarding the relationship between the slaves and their ethnic origins. In addition to the twenty people convicted and executed for witchcraft, two dogs were also accused of and executed for the same crime. Citizens began to believe that people were practicing witchcraft in their town. Ann Putnam testified that Good tried to choke and bite her, a claim that Mary Walcott corroborated. An important minister in Boston named Increase Mather was one of these objectors, stating that It were better that ten suspected witches should escape than that one innocent person should be condemned.. 11 Important Facts About The Salem Witch Trials | APECSEC.org However, after the dogs death, the local Minister reasoned that if the devil had possessed the dog, it would not have been so easily killed with a bullet. Do you question the accuracy of a fact you just read? Here are 42 wicked facts about the Salem witch trials. The Salem Witch Hunt: A Captivating Guide to the Hunt and . Despite the horrible and senseless loss of life and community divisions that the witch trials caused, some historians believe that the traumatic incident had a silver lining. Facts: -"At the time of these events Parris was in his middle forties." -"They did not celebrate Christmas, and a holiday from work meant only that they must concentrate even more upon prayer." -"The edge of the wilderness was close by. The legacy of the trials has far outlasted their duration, even . The Salem Witch Trials: A legal bibliography - The University of There have been many other instances of this kind of phenomenon sincemost recently in an outbreak of alleged evil clown sightings across the continent and beyond in 2016. If you think its all dramatic court rooms and burning at the stake, then you need to see these 25 Disturbing Facts About the Salem Witch Trials! Despite being known as the Salem witch trials, some of the trials actually took place in Ipswich and Andover in addition to Salem itself. Due to its association with the supernatural and the haunted, Salem is now a popular destination for Halloween festivities, which run throughout the month of October. This series of prosecutions and hangings of those accused of practicing witchcraft provoked a major backlash, and the event still haunts us today. After Governor Phipss wife was accused, he again interceded and ordered that a new court be established that would not allow so-called spectral evidence. William Stoughton, who presided over the Salem witch trials, studied theology at Harvard College and Oxford, but never became a minister and chose to enter politics instead. Fascinating Facts About America's Most Historic Sites - MSN Accessed May 6, 2021. https://famous-trials.com/salem/2078-sal-acct. After her second husband died, Bishopwho had been married three timeswas accused of bewitching him to death, though she was later acquitted due to a lack of evidence. While Miller maintained that he kept everything historically accurate, some have noted that he made changes to the real record for the sake of the play. The Salem witch trials and executions came about as the result of a combination of church politics, family feuds, and hysterical children, all of which unfolded in a vacuum of political authority. For instance, after being accused of witchcraft, Philip and Mary English were held for trial in a Boston jail. Sir William Phips. Famous Trials. For example, the infamous Putnam family had been one of the earliest settler dynasties to come to the Massachusetts Bay colony and establish themselves there. 1032 Words | 5 Pages. Much of the evidence brought agains the witches, at least at first, was called spectral evidence, where people testified to seeing an apparition of the accused trying to inflict harm on them. They soon spread to individuals regardless of their gender, class, or power in the community. Some of the attitudes in the Salem witch trials are still seen today. Abigail Williams: The Mysterious Afflicted Girl - History of Around the same time, in Salem Village, village girls accused a man of tormenting a different dog with his evil spirit. Another more disturbing theory proposed by researchers like behavioral psychologist Linnda Caporael suggests that Salem suffered from ergot poisoning. After that, the next thirty-three witchcraft trials resulted in acquittals. Over 150 people were arrested for allegedly using witchcraft to inflict harm on their fellow townspeople, resulting in the executions of 20 people and the prison deaths of five more. The girls were having a type of epileptic fit and would scream out . One person was even executed for refusing to testify at the hearings. The governor pardoned the rest of the accused witches and they were released from jail. After months of trials, the governor finally decided to put an end to the trials with the last trials being held in May of 1693. The episode is heavily ingrained in American history and perpetuated through pop culture, but the souls lost and persecuted during that time aren't just present in our literature, media, and popular culture. The First Amendment has generally served to protect individuals for opinions that they have expressed, albeit not for violent or illegal conduct. To save his wife, the governor stepped in to stop the trials and disband the court of Oyer and Terminer. When Millers The Crucible was produced, it was in the aftermath of his feud with Elia Kazan, the man who had directed his two earlier hit plays All My Sons and Death of a Salesman. Regardless of the cause -- whether it was ergot poisoning, a teen prank, a vendetta against past wrongs, a grab for land or mass hysteria -- the Salem witch trials stand as a . Tituba, an enslaved person born to a South American indigenous tribe, became the first person accused of witchcraft in Salem after Betty, the daughter of Salems minister, Samuel Parris, began acting erratically. Salem Witch Trial Facts - Learn Religions Many possible answers have been proposed, but one likely explanation is that they were suffering from some kind of natural medical afflictions. Because of Philip Englishs wealth, he was allowed his freedom during the day and could rent rooms in the home of his jailer for himself, his wife, and daughter. The Salem witch trials of the late 17thcentury were a formative episode in Americas early history, and have remained at the forefront of the national consciousness ever since. The Salem Witch Trials, 1692 17th Century Pocahontas Saves John Smith, 1608 Aboard the Mayflower, 1620 The First Thanksgiving, 1621 The Price of Adultery in Puritan Massachusetts, 1641 Living Among the Mohawks, 1644 The Execution of Charles I, 1649 The Great Fire of London, 1666 Inside the Court of Louis XIV, 1671 New York City, 1679 Ergot causes hallucinations, convulsive fits, and sometimes death, and LSD derives from the substance. Log in or try Ancestry 14 days free to start finding the survivors, the outspoken, or the ones who did things differently in your family tree. It was shut down on October 29, 1692. As the trials continued, accusations extended beyond Salem Village to surrounding communities. And the first person executed for witchcraft during the trials was also a woman. Madame de Pompadour didn't just share King Louis XV's bed, she also shared his power. Check out the top history lists on the internet all in one place. Lets just, The Crucible (1996), Twentieth Century Fox, Salem (20142017), 20th Century Fox Television, I Married a Witch (1942), Paramount Pictures, The Truth Always Comes Out: Dark Family Secrets Exposed, Entrancing Facts About Madame de Pompadour, France's Most Powerful Mistress, Tragic Facts About Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIIIs First Wife, Festive Facts About Bing Crosby, The King Of Christmas, Stormy Facts About Sammy Davis Jr., The Worlds Greatest Entertainer, Sorrowful Facts About Alma Rubens, The Silent Film Siren, Daring Facts About Gina Lollobrigida, Golden Hollywoods Last Survivor.